Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Cord Blood Banking and its importance

Cord blood bank is a fool proof way of guaranteeing the good health of the baby, its siblings and possibly family members. Cord blood cells or stem cells are the magic cells that ensure future safety against several life threatening diseases.

What are the types of cord blood banks in India?

There are two kinds of cord blood banks–Public and private. Private cord blood banks are the ones where the blood sample which has been collected is kept for the exclusive use of the donor and his family i.e. the donor, its siblings and its family members if they are a match. In the same way, public cord blood banks are the ones where the samples are donated for public use and research purposes. Here, the blood samples can be utilised by anyone who is a match.

What is the procedure of stem cell therapy?

Extraction of cord blood is a very simple and painless method. In this method, the child or the mother is not inconvenienced in any way. The blood sample is extracted from that part of the umbilical cord which is still connected to the placenta. A needle is inserted in the umbilical cord and it does not touch the new born baby at all. It is of utmost importance that the sample is extracted within a few minutes of the baby being born or else the blood starts clotting and becomes useless. After the process of taking the cord blood it has to be immediately transferred to the cord blood bank. It is a facility with a controlled environment. It is monitored round the clock by expert technical staff. Basic requirements for building a cord blood bank is that it should be situated in an area which is not prone to natural disasters and the facility should have adequate measures against fire and such disasters.

What diseases can be cured through cord blood cells?

Cord blood cells have been instrumental in reviving the lives of millions of people across the world. Stem cell treatment has successfully cured patients of more than 80 diseases, some of them life threatening. Many malignant and non-malignant diseases have been treated by stem cell therapy. Some of them are – leukaemia, Autism, anaemia, thalassemia etc.

Importance of cord blood banking

The decision of preserving the baby’s stem cells is a very private decision of the parents. But it is of extreme importance that the parents realise the importance of cord blood banking as this is a once in a life time opportunity. Although, stem cells are also collected from adults but cord blood cells are the best for treatment of several diseases and much more successful too. For young expecting parents it is important to start thinking of umbilical cord banking early as it is important to choose the correct hospital which is able to do the procedure safely. In some of the cord blood banks, there is also the facility of keeping the sample in two places for added safety.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

What are the benefits of Cord Blood Banking

Cord blood banking is a relatively new concept in India but it is a major breakthrough in the field of medicine. Researchers are hopeful that stem cell treatment is going to change the face of medicine. Many believe that in the years to come, it will change the way medicine is being practiced presently.

What are the benefits of cord blood banking?

With growing awareness, expecting parents are realising that there are several benefits of cord blood banking. The biggest benefit is that even right now it is being used to cure over 80 diseases successfully and, in future, studies indicate that stem cell transplant is going to be used for curing even common illnesses.Some of the major diseases where stem cell transplant is being used successfully are Leukaemia, Thalassemia, Acute Anaemia etc.

In innumerable cases it has been seen that even the sibling of the donor or a family member has been able to use these samples if they are found to be a match. This is one of the biggest benefits of cord blood banking. This can be done when the sample is being donated to a private storage facility.

What is the procedure of cord blood banking?

The whole process of extracting the blood sample is very easy and completely painless. Within a few minutes of the baby being born and separated from the umbilical cord, a needle is inserted in that part of the umbilical cord which is still connected to the placenta. Once it is inserted, it is used to extract the blood sample from the cord. This takes around 10 minutes only and is a completely painless procedure. While the needle is inserted in the umbilical cord, it is no way near the new born baby.

Once the sample is collected, it is immediately transferred to a storage facility with a controlled environment. Here, a team of expert technicians is on hand to monitor the samples round the clock. These storage facilities are temperature controlled and generally built in an area which is less prone to natural disasters. Proper safeguards are also in place to ensure damage against fire etc. Some of the facilities also offer to keep the samples in two places to provide double protection. Once these cord blood samples are stored they can be used at any time by the donor.

Can the cord blood samples be donated to non family members?

Yes, there is an option of donating it to a public storage facility where the umbilical cord blood sample can be utilised by anybody who is a match and it cannot be kept for the exclusive use of the donor itself. Such public storage facilities are there where they sell the units for patients in need. However buying a umbilical cord blood stem cells are very costly. It can go upto 30,000 US$.

The benefits of cord blood banking are innumerable and it is something which can be done easily if the parents give it a proper thought before the delivery as this is once in a lifetime opportunity

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Small Price to Pay For Priceless Benefits of Cord Blood Banking In India

Cord blood banking is quickly becoming an essential tool for treatment of major diseases. Given the rapid growth of treatment options in the field of medicine, stem cell therapy, is one of the major breakthroughs in this field. The day is not far when not only serious and potentially life threatening but also routine illnesses will be treated successfully by stem cell treatment. For that future to happen it is imperative that more parents opt for cord blood banking of their newborn today. As, the cells preserved today will be the ones to be utilised in the future.

Cord blood banking is a completely hassle free procedure in which the mother and her new born are not inconvenienced at all. Rather, in the excitement of the arrival of the new baby it will be difficult for anybody to notice the process of extraction. It is a completely safe and painless procedure, where the needle is inserted into the umbilical vein still attached to the placenta and several ounces of blood from that cord are taken as samples. The important point to be noted is that there should be no delay in collection of the blood, since it starts clotting and can become useless.

With such a medical breakthrough, more people are becoming increasingly aware and opting for cord blood banking. But, cord blood banking price can be prohibitive and take it out of the reach of common individuals. Other countries have public stem cell banks where the cells are available for the treatment of individuals.

The cord blood banking price includes collection of the sample, processing, annual storage and shipping in the first year. From the next year, one is required to pay only the annual storage fees. Some countries also give the option of storing it for a lifetime. Generally, storage is initially done only for 18-25 years which can be extended later on.In USA, the initial price for the first year is around 2000-3000$ and subsequently$100 for the yearly storage and maintenance. Similarly in India, the initial process starts from Rs. 25,000 and goes up to almost a lakh for preserving for next several years.

Although, the cord blood banking price may initially seem very high to the expectant parents, but considering the overall benefits of this process it may seem like nothing if required for the treatment of a loved one. Most parents, who invest in this, see it as a long term insurance policy for the good health of their child and family members.The most important thing is to make an informed choice, as thoseoffering storage facilities at considerably lower prices may not have the state-of-the-art facilities provided by the ones which are charging more.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Get to Know the future of Cord Blood Banking

Cord blood banking in India is still in its nascent stage. Given the high birth rate and high level of mortality amongst the new born in the country, the need to save and bank cord blood in India is even more imperative.Unfortunately, India does not have a public bank system where the cord blood can be preserved and used by anybody in need of stem cell treatment. But on the other hand, a lot of private cord blood banks have come up in the major cities of the country, which makes it easier for the expectant parents to store and preserve the cord blood for the future use by their children and family members.

Cord blood banking is the facility of storing and preserving stem cells or the cord blood derived from the umbilical cord of the baby. This process needs to done in the first few minutes after the baby is born before the blood starts clotting. Clotted cord blood cannot be utilised. This is a completely painless procedure which does not affect the mother or the child. The cord blood is extracted from the umbilical vein which is still connected to the placenta, which is why it is also known as placental blood. Once collected this blood is stored at cryogenic temperatures in order to maintain the properties of the blood as well as the stem cells.

You can gauge the importance of Cord blood when you know that it can be used in the treatment of over 80 major critical diseases. Some of them are Leukemia, Thalassemia, Lymphoma, blood disorders and other degenerative diseases. In other countries, cord blood banking is available for personal as well as public needs. But, cord blood banking in India is right now available only for personal use. The cost of private cord blood banking is very high and not affordable by the general public.

For the expectant parents, it is very important to choose the correct cord blood cell bank. The bank should be certified, have a good reputation, proper technical expertise and experience. The facility should preferably be in a place which is not prone to natural disasters and has a storage facility with proper power backup and constant monitoring situations that ensure that the facility is able to maintain a controlled environment at all times.Given the large demand among the young parents, many cord blood storage facilities have mushroomed over the years in India. But it’s important that the parents are aware that the storage facility fulfils all of the points discussed above. The initial time period for storage is 18-25 years, which can be extended later.

Stem cells are also called as ‘naive cells’ as they have this unique capacity to turn into any kind of cell in the body. Whether it is muscles, bone cell, tissues etc.It is important for the parents to remember that umbilical cords are usually disposed of after the birth so storage facilities should be made well in advance.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Bengaluru: The new address for Cord Blood Banking

What is cord blood banking?

Cord blood banking is extracting and preserving the blood from the umbilical cord of a new born baby. This is a completely harmless procedure which does not affect the baby or the mother at all. As a part of this procedure, a needle is inserted into that part of the umbilical vein which is still connected to the placenta. After that the whole process of extraction takes about 10 minutes only. This procedure in no way inconveniences the mother or the child. The only requirement is that the cord blood should be collected as soon as the cord is cut because a delay of more than two minutes could mean clotting of the blood, which will make it completely useless as clotted cord blood is of no use and cannot be stored.

There are several options of cord blood banking in India. But Bengaluru has clearly taken the lead in this.There are several cord blood banks in Bengaluru. Some centres not only storecord blood but also the umbilical cord tissue. Researchers have been conducting studies to utilise the umbilical cord tissue as well to harvest stem cells.Bengaluru is fast becoming the key market for cord blood bankingin the country.

According to the data collected in a survey, because of the growing awareness among the parents, cord blood banking in Bengaluru is amongst the highest in the country. Over 10,000 parents in Bengaluru have taken the lead and preserved the stem cells of their children and the number is quickly rising. According to the happy parents, they have taken this decision to ensure a better and a healthier future for their children. The best part about preserving the cord blood of a new born is that it is not only helps the donor but also the siblings and other family members. Banking cord blood for your baby is on the rise; however you have the option to donate the same to someone who needs it for a cure.

India has a great potential for storing and preserving the cord blood due to the high birth rate, with an increasing number of babies suffering from diseases. Cord blood is a readily available and rich source of stem cells and can be used to treat life threatening diseases like Thalassemia, Leukemia, and Lymphoma etc.This cord blood can be preserved and stored for many years.

Cord blood banking in Bengaluruis way ahead of any other city or state in India. This can be attributed to the fact that a large number of parents are well educated and there is a high level of awareness among them on the subject of cord blood banking. With this knowledge, many expectant parents are opting for cord blood banking to ensure a healthier tomorrow for their children.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Stem Cell Therapy: A gift to the baby child

Stem Cell therapy is the newly advanced biological method to cure the life threatening diseases that are otherwise impossible to handle. The stem cells are the basic fundamental part of a human body. They have the inherent capacity to form any type of tissue. When the baby is inside mother’s womb, it develops from the foetus that is the lump of stem cells, these stem cells in the definite time span develops to form various parts of the body. Stem Cells are responsible for this continuous replacement and regeneration of the cells to maintain a healthy body. They are also found in the different parts of the body.

They are also present in the umbilical cord, which joins the baby to the mother. This cord is the richest source of stem cells according to the doctors. Stem Cells therapy involves the preservation of these stem cells that can be used to cure the child in the coming future. It assures the baby of leading a healthy and prosperous life. In India, it is only a decade old method, hence the results are yet awaited, but throughout the world this therapy is a huge success. Millions of people have benefitted from this therapy as it replaces the harsh use of chemicals on the body and provides you with the assurance of being completely helpful in fighting back the disease.

There are various cord banks that help the person to preserve these stem cells and utilise them when in need. They have this inherent quality to replicate themselves any number of times. Hence they are preserved for the entire lifetime and thus help in fighting back any disease. Stem Cell Therapy is structurally designed in a way that helps one in the most natural way to heal. There are minimal or no side effects to this therapy. It is for this reason that the new generation parents are switching over to trust this way of preserving the stem cells to gift their baby with a healthy life in the future.

These stem cells are preserved in the approved atmosphere and conditions; they have no expiry date and hence can be used at any age. They promise to cure life threatening diseases like cancer, diabetes, cerebral injury, spinal cord Injury, liver disease, stroke or any other heart disease. Stem Cell Therapy gives the person complete assurance to fight back these disease.

Millions of new-age parents are gifting this newly advanced method to their baby child. The inherent quality of multiplying limitlessly and into any tissue is the most fascinating quality of the stem cells that the doctors have focussed on. Stem Cell therapy works to help rejuvenation and regeneration of new cells to help the person recover from chronic diseases. There are millions of people who have recovered and are leading a healthy life now, thanks to stem cells.  

Summary: Stem Cells are the most fundamental part of our body that keeps on multiplying themselves to heal our body to cure us.